Causes of stress are very tricky to comprehend as most of us tend to misunderstand its indications. There can be innumerable causes of stress as individuals give distinct responses to same types of stressful situations. Extreme stress situations for an individual may prove to be mild for another, for yet another person the situations might not qualify as serious stress symptoms at all.
Stress is often termed as a twentieth century syndrome, born out of man's race towards modern progress and its ensuing complexities. For that matter, causes such as a simple flight delay to managing a teenage child at home can put you under stress.
A stress condition can be real or perceived. Even then, our mind reacts quite similar to both real as well as perceived stress by releasing certain stress related hormones in amounts equal to the stress levels that are experienced. The brain doesn't differentiate between real and imagined stress. You could experience stress while watching a horror movie or when one is apprehensive of facing some imminent danger.
Some of the causes of stress can be summed up in the following manner:
- Life’s situations:
Critical occurances in our lives such as chronic health issues, sick children or spouse, death, menopause, divorce, financial troubles, promotions, demotions, competition as well as midlife crisis can be framed as potential causes of stress.
Even conditions such as prolonged unemployment or a sudden lay-off from a job can leave you under tremendous stress. One just can't wish away difficult situations. Moreover, one has to live through these situations, in the right spirit, to make living a worthwhile experience.
Stress also comes from our personal and social contexts and from our psychological and emotional reactions to such conditioning. Here, our mental and emotional disposition, built over the years, decides whether to accept these situations with a fighting or fleeing spirit. Accordingly, we may either remain under harmful influences of certain causes of stress or even be free from them.
Children and women subjected to mental or physical abuse are known to suffer from tremendous stress symptoms of depression, constant anxiety and burnout. Though anger, fear and other negative emotional reactions are natural and necessary we need to channel them constructively to create a balanced state in our body and mind.
- Right attitude:
It is said that life acts and you react. Our attitude is our reaction to what life hands out to us. A significant amount of stress symptoms can be avoided or aroused by the way we relate to stressors. Stress is created by what we think rather than by what has actually happened.
For example, adolescents, handling adopted children, retirements, adoption, processing tax audits, or sudden financial drawbacks can be handled effectively by having a relaxed attitude, focused will and preparedness to face the quirks of life positively. Otherwise one tends to feel stressed and reacts in anger and frustration. With a better control of attention one can feel that the world is a more congenial place to live in.
Again, in case of a marital conflict, instead of adopting an accusing and frustrating attitude, one should accept the fact that something is wrong in their understanding of each other’s opinions and should sort it out peacefully.
A right attitude can make a resilient person out of us in the face of stressful situations.
- Genes:
A research article published, suggests: "The psychological state of the mother may affect fetal development." It could be caused by stress induced reduced blood flow through the arteries that feed the uterus. It could also create a mental as well as physical predisposition to certain diseases and behavioral patterns in the later life of a child.
Specific genes have been identified, which govern the three major endorphin groups in our body that are also know as stress hormones. Hence, our rejoinders when it comes to dealing with emotional as well as physical stress could also be "genetic." In other words, how our parents or great-grandparents responded to stressful situations may in part determine how we handle stress ourselves today!
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